Sunrise Harbor Marina to River Forest Yachting Center - LaBelle

Sunrise Harbor Marina

Distance - 145.2 Nm

Velocità media
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Stima del tempo
1 day, 5 hours, 2 minutes
14 hours, 31 minutes
7 hours, 16 minutes
4 hours, 50 minutes
Get route planning for Sunrise Harbor Marina to River Forest Yachting Center - LaBelle with savvy navvy

Start Location
Sunrise Harbor Marina

Fort Lauderdale

Contact details for Sunrise Harbor Marina

+1 (954) 667-6720
Glenda Ramos, General Manager

End Location
River Forest Yachting Center - LaBelle

Moore Haven

Contact details for River Forest Yachting Center - LaBelle

+1 (863) 612-0003, Office Phone
Tad Norris, LaBelle Operations Manager

Route plan from Sunrise Harbor Marina to River Forest Yachting Center - LaBelle

Embarking on a voyage from Sunrise Harbor Marina to River Forest Yachting Center - LaBelle is a journey that promises not only the tranquil embrace of Florida's waters but also an exploration steeped in scenic beauty, inherent challenges, and enriching experiences. This voyage is particularly suited for the seasoned Yacht Master who appreciates the blend of navigational prowess demanded by this passage and the serenity that comes from cruising these waters.

Starting Point: Sunrise Harbor Marina

Your journey begins at the luxurious Sunrise Harbor Marina, nestled in the heart of Fort Lauderdale, a city renowned for its boating culture and affectionately dubbed the "Venice of America" due to its expansive and intricate canal system. Ensure that your vessel is fully provisioned, and all safety checks are completed, as the voyage ahead, while beautiful, demands respect and preparation.

1. Navigating the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW)

Upon departure from Sunrise Harbor Marina, you'll engage with the ICW, a key artery in your journey. While the ICW offers a relatively sheltered passage, it is essential to remain vigilant for other vessels, including both leisure crafts and commercial traffic. Fixed bridges along this route necessitate awareness of your yacht's clearance capabilities, with most bridges offering ample clearance for standard yachts.

Notable Navigational Aids and Hazards:

  • Fort Lauderdale's Port Everglades Inlet: Exercise caution when crossing paths with larger vessels entering or exiting the port. Communicate clearly and maintain a steady course when traversing this section.
  • Hillsboro Inlet: A potential stop for shelter if required, but beware of strong currents. This inlet also serves as a gateway for an alternative route to the Atlantic, should you wish for a brief ocean venture, weather and conditions permitting.

2. Lake Worth and Peanut Island

Navigating northward, Lake Worth offers a picturesque respite and a suitable anchorage point, should you need rest or encounter inclement weather. Peanut Island, located in the Lake Worth Lagoon, presents a delightful detour, boasting recreational facilities, snorkeling spots, and a historical bunker associated with President John F. Kennedy.

3. Jupiter Inlet to Stuart

Transitioning from the ICW into more open waters past Jupiter Inlet requires careful attention to tidal information and weather forecasts. The Jupiter Inlet can be challenging, and it's advisable only for those with substantial piloting experience. Stuart, further north, provides a welcoming break in the journey with provisions, repair services, and the charm of Florida's "Sailfish Capital."

4. Crossing Lake Okeechobee

The passage from Stuart to River Forest Yachting Center involves crossing Lake Okeechobee via the Okeechobee Waterway. This leg of the journey is both the crux and the crown of your voyage. Prior to entry, ensure your drafts are compatible with the water levels, which can fluctuate.

Critical Considerations:

  • Locks: You will encounter several locks on this route. Listen to and follow the instructions of the lock operators closely.
  • Port Mayaca and Moore Haven: Critical checkpoints for weather updates and last-minute provisioning.
  • Lake Okeechobee’s Weather: Respect the lake's capacity for sudden changes in weather conditions. Its vast open waters can turn challenging rapidly.

5. Arrival: River Forest Yachting Center - LaBelle

Your destination, River Forest Yachting Center, situated on the calm waters of the Caloosahatchee River in LaBelle, marks the culmination of your journey. The facility offers state-of-the-art services and the peace desired after such a voyage.

Why This Route?

This route is meticulously chosen for the Yacht Master who thrives on the combination of serene passages and the occasional navigational challenge. It showcases Florida's waterborne beauty, meshes sheltered ICW cruising with the expansive experience of Lake Okeechobee, and demands both tactical prowess and an appreciation for the natural and man-made marvels along Florida's waterways.


Safety, always the paramount concern, is woven through the fabric of this journey. However, the route is imbued with opportunities for adventure, learning, and peaceful reflection, making it an unforgettable experience for any seasoned boater looking to explore the best of Florida’s diverse maritime environments.

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