Sunrise Harbor Marina to JN Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge

Sunrise Harbor Marina

Distance - 197.9 Nm

Velocità media
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Stima del tempo
1 day, 15 hours, 35 minutes
19 hours, 47 minutes
9 hours, 54 minutes
6 hours, 36 minutes
Get route planning for Sunrise Harbor Marina to JN Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge with savvy navvy

Start Location
Sunrise Harbor Marina

Fort Lauderdale

Contact details for Sunrise Harbor Marina

+1 (954) 667-6720
Glenda Ramos, General Manager

End Location
JN Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge

San Carlos Bay

Contact details for JN Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge

Route plan from Sunrise Harbor Marina to JN Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge

Pilotage Plan from Sunrise Harbor Marina to J.N. Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge


The voyage from Sunrise Harbor Marina to the J.N. Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge is a quintessential journey for avid boaters who cherish navigating through Florida's pristine waters, absorbing breathtaking views, and exploring vibrant ecosystems. This passage isn't just a route; it's an experience that marries the thrill of open water with the serene beauty of coastal landscapes.

Starting Point: Sunrise Harbor Marina

Your journey begins at the prestigious Sunrise Harbor Marina, a gem nestled in Fort Lauderdale. Ensure your vessel is well-prepared for the voyage, with all safety equipment checked and updated charts onboard. Departing from Sunrise Harbor Marina, you're set to embark on an adventure that promises enchanting coastal scenery, marine wildlife sightings, and the tranquility of the open sea.

Navigational Route and Points of Interest

  1. Departing Sunrise Harbor Marina: As you chart your course westward, navigating through Fort Lauderdale's network of canals, adhere to the speed limits and be mindful of the residential areas. This leg offers a leisurely cruise with picturesque waterfront homes.
  2. Heading to Biscayne Bay: As you make your way south, aim for the turquoise waters of Biscayne Bay. This segment of the journey offers open waters where dolphins and other marine life frequently play. Use caution as the area can be busy; watch for other vessels, and be aware of the established marine preserves.
  3. Key Largo: The first significant landmark to your southward journey. Consider stopping here to explore the local charm, dive spots, and the beginnings of the beautiful Florida Keys. Key Largo serves as a wonderful resting point, offering supplies, refueling options, and shelter if needed.
  4. Marathon and Seven Mile Bridge: Continue through the impressive island chain of the Keys, taking a moment to admire the engineering marvel of the Seven Mile Bridge. The waters here can be shallow and tricky, so ensure your charts are current, and you're navigating primarily during daylight for safety.
  5. Florida Bay: Skirting the edge of the Everglades National Park, you'll enter Florida Bay. It's a vast area rich in wildlife, including birds, fish, and the occasional dolphin. The shallow bay requires careful navigation; watch for marked channels and be conscious of the protected areas where boating may be restricted.
  6. Pine Island Sound: After navigating around the southern tip of Florida, adjust your course northward into the serene waters of Pine Island Sound, leading up to your destination. This area is known for its calm conditions, making it ideal for casual cruising and enjoying the lush, green coastlines.

Destination: J.N. Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge

Arriving at the J.N. Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge is a culmination of your journey's beauty and the epitome of why this trip is perfect for nature lovers and boaters alike. The refuge offers unparalleled opportunities for sighting a variety of birds, fish, and other wildlife in their natural habitats. Ensure you're familiar with and adhere to all local regulations to protect this splendid environment.

Safety and Environmental Considerations

  • Weather Conditions: Always check the weather forecast before departure and regularly during your trip. Florida weather can change rapidly, and being prepared is key.
  • Navigational Aids: Keep an eye on buoys, lighthouses, and other aids to navigation, especially in areas like the Florida Keys and Pine Island Sound, where shallow waters pose a risk.
  • Local Regulations: Familiarize yourself with speed limits, especially in manatee zones, and fishing regulations within the national wildlife refuge.
  • Environmentally Conscious Boating: Practice eco-friendly boating habits. Dispose of waste properly, use eco-friendly products, and avoid disturbing wildlife.


This voyage from Sunrise Harbor Marina to J.N. Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge is an unparalleled adventure for boaters who prize the natural wonders of Florida's coast and waters. It's a journey not merely about reaching a destination but about embracing the journey itself, with its myriad opportunities for discovery, challenges, and the pure joy of cruising through some of the most beautiful waters in the world. Safety fused with the splendor of nature makes this trip a must for boaters who share a deep love for the sea and its surroundings.

Happy cruising!

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