Marlin Bay Resort & Marina to Loggerhead Marina - Riviera Beach Marina

Marlin Bay Resort & Marina

Distance - 174.3 Nm

Velocità media
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Stima del tempo
1 day, 10 hours, 52 minutes
17 hours, 26 minutes
8 hours, 43 minutes
5 hours, 49 minutes
Get route planning for Marlin Bay Resort & Marina to Loggerhead Marina - Riviera Beach Marina with savvy navvy

Start Location
Marlin Bay Resort & Marina


Contact details for Marlin Bay Resort & Marina

+1 (305) 731-2207
+1 (877) 594-3550
Rob Bulkiewicz, General Manager

End Location
Loggerhead Marina - Riviera Beach Marina

Riviera Beach

Contact details for Loggerhead Marina - Riviera Beach Marina

+1 (561) 840-6868
Jr Branche

Route plan from Marlin Bay Resort & Marina to Loggerhead Marina - Riviera Beach Marina

Embarking from Marlin Bay Resort & Marina, your journey to Loggerhead Marina - Riviera Beach promises to be a sailing experience par excellence, combining safety with the intrinsic allure that the coastal waters of Florida have to offer. This itinerary meticulously balances the daring adventure of open-sea navigation with the serene beauty of the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW), ensuring it strikes a chord with both the thrill-seeking sailor and the leisure-loving cruiser.

Step 1: Departure from Marlin Bay Resort & Marina

Your journey begins at the luxurious Marlin Bay Resort & Marina, nestled in the heart of the Florida Keys. Ensure your vessel is well-stocked and ready for the journey ahead. Departing from Marlin Bay, your first leg involves navigating the clear, turquoise waters of the Florida Keys. This area is known for its vibrant coral reefs, so a keen eye and cautious navigation are paramount, considering the environmental sensitivity and the shallow depths in some areas.

Step 2: Sail Towards the Mainland

As you leave the Keys, setting course towards the Florida mainland brings you closer to the bustling ports and the serene beauty of the Everglades. This portion of your journey offers a stunning contrast between the wild, untouched landscapes of the Everglades to starboard and the open Atlantic to port. It’s essential to keep updated with the weather forecasts before making the crossing, as conditions can change swiftly.

Points of Interest & Shelters:

  • Boot Key Harbor: Early in your journey, Boot Key Harbor serves as a perfect shelter in case of inclement weather and offers a scenic stopover with its welcoming community and facilities.
  • Key Largo: The self-proclaimed Dive Capital of the World, Key Largo offers not only a potential shelter but also a chance to explore its underwater state parks.

Step 3: Entering the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW)

Upon reaching the mainland, the allure of the ICW presents a safer, calmer route with numerous points of interest. Navigating the ICW requires attention to the numerous navigational aids highlighting the channel's boundaries, particularly the red-right-returning rule (keeping red markers to your starboard side when returning from sea).

Points of Interest & Landmarks:

  • Fort Lauderdale: Known as the Yachting Capital of the World, this is a perfect spot to experience the bustling marine culture, top-notch marinas, and the beautiful beaches.
  • Lake Boca Raton: Offers a stunning anchorage spot with its tranquil waters, making it a preferred picnic spot for boaters.

Step 4: Final Leg to Loggerhead Marina - Riviera Beach

This last leg involves careful navigation through the busy channels around the Port of Palm Beach, keeping vigilant for commercial traffic. Loggerhead Marina - Riviera Beach, your final destination, is nestled just north of the port. This marina is known for its protected harbors and top-tier facilities, presenting a perfect endpoint for your journey.

Navigational Aids & Regulations:

  • Stay abreast of local boating regulations, especially speed limit zones in the ICW, to ensure the safety of marine life and other boaters.
  • Pay attention to navigational markers, especially in the ICW, to avoid running aground in shallow areas.
  • Monitor VHF channels for updates on weather and any advisories issued by the Coast Guard or local marine patrols.


This itinerary offers an unparalleled blend of open-sea sailing and tranquil cruising through Florida's most picturesque waterscapes, making it ideal for the boater who appreciates the thrill of navigating the seas while also enjoying the serene beauty of coastal passages. With a keen eye on safety and a spirit for adventure, this route from Marlin Bay Resort & Marina to Loggerhead Marina - Riviera Beach is a journey that promises both challenge and reward, capturing the true essence of boating in Florida.

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