Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina to Port Mayaca Dolphins

Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina

Distance - 127.4 Nm

Velocità media
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Stima del tempo
1 day, 1 hour, 29 minutes
12 hours, 44 minutes
6 hours, 22 minutes
4 hours, 15 minutes
Get route planning for Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina to Port Mayaca Dolphins with savvy navvy

Start Location
Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina

7080 Placida Road
Cape Haze

Contact details for Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina

+1 (941) 697-4356
+1 (941) 697-4356
Brett Cherry, General Manager

End Location
Port Mayaca Dolphins

Okeechobee Waterway

Contact details for Port Mayaca Dolphins

Route plan from Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina to Port Mayaca Dolphins


Embarking on a voyage from Loggerhead Marina in Palm Harbor to the enchanting area of Port Mayaca Dolphins presents a captivating journey filled with scenic beauty, nautical challenges, and delightful stopovers. This meticulously crafted pilotage plan prioritizes safety while ensuring a memorable adventure suitable for the discerning boater eager to explore Florida's serene waters and picturesque coastlines.

Departure: Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbor Marina

Your journey commences at Loggerhead Marina, nestled in the idyllic setting of Palm Harbor. Before setting sail, ensure your vessel is well-provisioned and all safety gear is checked and onboard. The marina is equipped with facilities to make last-minute purchases and conduct any necessary checks.

Initial Navigation & Points of Interest

Upon departure, head south, cruising along the Intracoastal Waterway. This stretch offers a protected passage with minimal exposure to the open Atlantic, making it ideal for leisurely cruising. Keep an eye out for the iconic Jupiter Lighthouse to the east, a perfect spot for an early excursion or photo opportunity.

Shelter Bays & Stopovers

  1. Peck Lake - Located just before Hobe Sound, Peck Lake offers a serene spot for anchoring and enjoying the tranquility of untouched Florida. It's an ideal shelter if weather conditions deteriorate, ensuring a safe haven that's both beautiful and practical.
  2. Stuart/Hutchinson Island - As you approach the bustling area of Stuart, consider a detour to Hutchinson Island. Not only does it provide a protective barrier from Atlantic swells, but you'll also find ample marinas, restaurants, and shops, perfect for restocking or a leisurely day ashore exploring the Elliott Museum or Florida Oceanographic Coastal Center.

Navigational Aids & Regulations

  • Intracoastal Waterway Markers - Pay close attention to the channel markers throughout your journey. The ICW uses a combination of red and green buoys and signs, with red markers on your starboard (right) when heading south.
  • Speed Restrictions - Be mindful of designated Manatee Zones, especially near the Hobe Sound National Wildlife Refuge, where speed restrictions are strictly enforced to protect marine life.
  • Bridge Crossings - Several drawbridges en route, such as the Roosevelt Bridge in Stuart, require communication for opening. Monitor VHF Channel 9 for bridge communications, and plan crossings to avoid delays.

Arriving at Port Mayaca Dolphins

As you near Port Mayaca, the Lake Okeechobee Scenic Trail offers breathtaking views, welcoming you to this unique destination. Port Mayaca itself is a tranquil area, but the nearby presence of playful dolphins adds a magical touch to its serene waters.

Safety Considerations

  • Weather Monitoring - Keep a vigilant eye on weather forecasts. The summer months can bring sudden squalls, especially in the afternoons. Having an updated weather app and a VHF radio for NOAA broadcasts is crucial.
  • Navigation Preparedness - Ensure your onboard navigation systems are updated and that you have a set of paper charts as a backup. The shifting sands and occasional debris in the ICW can present unexpected challenges.


This voyage from Loggerhead Marina in Palm Harbor to Port Mayaca Dolphins offers an extraordinary blend of scenic beauty, navigational challenges, and opportunities for exploration. Suitable for experienced boaters who treasure the journey as much as the destination, it promises a blend of adventure, relaxation, and the chance to connect with Florida's marine environment in a responsible and engaging manner. With careful planning and respect for the local regulations and environment, this trip epitomizes the essence of Florida cruising.

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