Loggerhead Marina - Hidden Harbour Marina to Dinner Key

Loggerhead Marina - Hidden Harbour Marina

Distance - 37.4 Nm

Velocità media
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Stima del tempo
7 hours, 29 minutes
3 hours, 44 minutes
1 hour, 52 minutes
1 hour, 15 minutes
Get route planning for Loggerhead Marina - Hidden Harbour Marina to Dinner Key with savvy navvy

Start Location
Loggerhead Marina - Hidden Harbour Marina

Pompano Beach

Contact details for Loggerhead Marina - Hidden Harbour Marina

+1 (954) 941-0498
Margo Hunt, Marina Manager

End Location
Dinner Key

Biscayne Bay

Contact details for Dinner Key

Route plan from Loggerhead Marina - Hidden Harbour Marina to Dinner Key

Starting your voyage from Loggerhead Marina - Hidden Harbour in Pompano Beach, your journey to Dinner Key in Coconut Grove promises to be a scenic and enjoyable trip that navigates through some of South Florida's most picturesque waterways. This itinerary offers a blend of the serene beauty of Florida's coastline, the vibrant life of its cities, and, if needed, safe harbors to shelter from unforeseen weather. It's an ideal route for boaters who appreciate the balance between tranquil cruising and the allure of South Florida's coast.

Preparation and Departure: Loggerhead Marina - Hidden Harbour

Before setting sail, ensure that your vessel is stocked with all necessary safety equipment, including life jackets, flares, a VHF radio, and up-to-date nautical charts. As you depart from Loggerhead Marina - Hidden Harbour, check the local weather forecast and plan your trip during favorable conditions. Early morning starts are recommended to make the most of the daylight and calmer sea conditions typically found in the morning.

Route Overview and Points of Interest

  1. Hillsboro Inlet: Shortly after departure, you'll navigate around the Hillsboro Inlet. This is your first navigational point of interest. Keep an eye out for the Hillsboro Lighthouse, an iconic beacon that has guided sailors since 1907. The inlet can be busy with boating traffic, so remain vigilant and observe any posted speed restrictions.
  2. Fort Lauderdale: As you pass through Fort Lauderdale, admire the luxurious waterfront homes of the rich and famous that line the Intracoastal Waterway. This segment of your journey provides ample opportunity for sightseeing but requires attentiveness to the bustling boat traffic and drawbridges. Follow all local regulations, including no-wake zones.
  3. Port Everglades: Approaching Port Everglades, one of the world's busiest cruise ports, maintain a safe distance from large vessels and heed any instructions from the port authorities. This area is well-marked with navigational aids, but it's crucial to stay alert.
  4. Hollywood and Hallandale Beach: After Port Everglades, the waterway opens up as you cruise past the beautiful beaches of Hollywood and Hallandale. These waters are generally calmer, allowing for a more relaxed pace. Enjoy the panoramic views, but be mindful of swimmers and jet skiers.
  5. North Miami Beach to Haulover Inlet: This stretch offers stunning views of the Miami skyline and luxurious waterfront properties. Haulover Inlet is another critical point to navigate with care due to strong currents and potentially busy boat traffic.

Shelter Spots and Safe Havens

  • Lake Santa Barbara: Located just south of Pompano Beach, this wide lake area provides a calm spot to anchor and rest if needed before heading into the more trafficked areas of Fort Lauderdale.
  • Oleta River State Park: Situated just before you reach Haulover Inlet, this natural area offers a place to find shelter or enjoy kayaking and nature trails if you're looking for a break from cruising.

Final Approach to Dinner Key

  • Upon passing Haulover Inlet, stay within the marked channels as you navigate through Biscayne Bay. The waters here are generally calm, allowing for a leisurely cruise down to Coconut Grove.
  • Dinner Key: Your destination, Dinner Key, boasts a large marina with ample amenities for boaters. It's a vibrant area known for its boating community, making it a perfect spot to end your journey. Upon arrival, check in with the marina office for docking instructions and local regulations.

Why This Route?

This itinerary from Loggerhead Marina - Hidden Harbour to Dinner Key is especially suited for boaters looking for a mix of calm cruising, picturesque views, and the adventure of navigating through some of South Florida's busiest waterways. It offers something for everyone, from tranquil bays perfect for casual boaters to bustling cityscapes that will excite more experienced captains. Safety is prioritized with recommended shelter spots and navigational guidance, making it an enjoyable experience for all.

Remember, a successful voyage always involves good preparation, a keen awareness of your surroundings, and a respect for local regulations and weather conditions. Happy cruising!

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