Cape Marina, Port Canaveral to Loggerhead Marina - St. Petersburg Marina

Cape Marina, Port Canaveral

Distance - 309.7 Nm

Velocità media
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Stima del tempo
2 days, 13 hours, 56 minutes
1 day, 6 hours, 58 minutes
15 hours, 29 minutes
10 hours, 19 minutes
Get route planning for Cape Marina, Port Canaveral to Loggerhead Marina - St. Petersburg Marina with savvy navvy

Start Location
Cape Marina, Port Canaveral

Cape Canaveral

Contact details for Cape Marina, Port Canaveral

+1 (321) 783-8410
Brian Blanton, DockMaster

End Location
Loggerhead Marina - St. Petersburg Marina

St. Petersburg

Contact details for Loggerhead Marina - St. Petersburg Marina

+1 (727) 867-2600

Route plan from Cape Marina, Port Canaveral to Loggerhead Marina - St. Petersburg Marina

Pilotage Plan from Cape Marina, Port Canaveral, to Loggerhead Marina - St. Petersburg Marina

Departure: Cape Marina, Port Canaveral

Destination: Loggerhead Marina - St. Petersburg Marina

Length of Journey: Approximately 200 nautical miles

Duration: 3-4 days, depending on weather and stops

Overview: This journey takes you from the beautiful and bustling Cape Marina at Port Canaveral, along the scenic East Coast of Florida, around the southern tip of the state via the famous Florida Keys, and up the Gulf Coast to the welcoming Loggerhead Marina in St. Petersburg. This route is ideal for boaters who appreciate diverse marine environments, historic sites, and the serene beauty of Florida's coastlines.

Safety First: Before departure, ensure your vessel is sea-worthy, equipped with navigational aids (charts, GPS, VHF radio), safety equipment (life jackets, flares, fire extinguishers), and provisions. Check weather forecasts and inform someone ashore of your itinerary.

Day 1: Cape Marina, Port Canaveral to Peanut Island

Navigation: Depart from Cape Marina and head south along the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW), using it as a sheltered route avoiding the Atlantic's open waters. Pay keen attention to navigational aids such as buoys, marks, and lights that guide through the ICW. Keep an eye on the weather; the ICW provides options for anchoring if conditions worsen.

Points of Interest: Consider a stop at Peanut Island for its snorkeling spots and the Peanut Island Park, which offers beautiful natural landscapes and camping options.

Day 2: Peanut Island to Key Largo

Navigation: Continue following the ICW towards Miami, then maneuver through the bustling shipping lanes of Biscayne Bay with caution, respecting all local boating restrictions. Upon reaching the Keys, follow the Hawk Channel on the ocean side or the more sheltered route along the Florida Bay side, considering your boat's draft and the weather.

Shelter: Gilbert's Resort and Marina offers a good stopping point if needed.

Points of Interest: Key Largo, known as the "Diving Capital of the World," offers remarkable underwater parks such as John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park, a must-visit for divers and snorkelers.

Day 3: Key Largo to Key West

Navigation: Continue along the Keys, with the Hawk Channel providing a clear path marked by buoys, ensuring safe navigation past the numerous coral reefs. The channel offers deep water but requires vigilance to avoid shoals and reefs.

Shelter: Marathon Marina in the middle Keys offers excellent amenities and shelter if the weather turns or if you simply wish to explore the Middle Keys.

Points of Interest: Key West is rich in history and nightlife. The Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum, along with the Key West Lighthouse, are notable landmarks.

Day 4: Key West to Loggerhead Marina - St. Petersburg Marina

Navigation: From Key West, head north into the Gulf of Mexico. This segment will have you leave the relative shelter of the ICW and venture into open water; thus, it is imperative to check the weather forecast. Navigate toward the coastline, using the marked channels to enter the Boca Grande Pass or Tampa Bay, depending on weather and sea conditions.

Points of Interest: The Gulf Coast is renowned for its fishing. Consider a stop in the fishing village of Boca Grande if time and weather permit, before proceeding to St. Petersburg.

Destination Arrival: Upon reaching Tampa Bay, follow the well-marked shipping channel, respecting the high volume of commercial and recreational traffic. Loggerhead Marina in St. Petersburg offers a full range of services for boaters, marking the end of an adventurous journey.

Why This Route?
This route offers a comprehensive Florida boating experience, combining the sheltered passages of the ICW, the vibrant life of the Keys, and the adventurous crossing of the Gulf, suitable for seasoned boaters ready for a varied and challenging journey. Safety is prioritized with numerous shelter points and marinas along the way, ensuring that help and rest are never too far.

This journey is a blend of beautiful landscapes, marine diversity, and cultural landmarks. It offers boaters an opportunity to experience the best of Florida's waters, with safety and navigational guidance ensuring a memorable and secure trip.

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